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Charlotte Luxury Real Estate Agents – Luxury Living Charlotte

Charlotte Luxury Real Estate Agents

30 09, 2013

Meet Charlotte’s Luxury Living Specialists: Sarah Martin

By |2017-02-08T01:12:19+00:00September 30th, 2013|Charlotte Real Estate Agents, Selling Your Luxury Home|

I’ve been in Charlotte now for 9 years and couldn’t love a city more. Originally from Orlando, FL I moved to Charlotte after graduating from Florida State University. Charlotte was a young town with great opportunity; it remains one of the nation's fastest-growing cities with a strong job market. Charlotte is now my adopted home, and much to chagrin of my parents, I won’t be going back to Florida; who could leave the tree-lined street canopies, blossoming culinary scene, various unique & vibrant neighborhoods, and beautiful mountains just a short drive away?